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Typical Cases

The most frequent types of allegations received by the agency are:
Substandard care
Poor bedside manner
Unprofessional conduct
Substandard facilities
Inadequate record keeping
Negligence in the practice of veterinary medicine


The Disciplinary Process

Persons who believe they have information about illegal or incompetent actions by a Veterinarian, Registered Veterinary Technician or Certified Euthanasia Technician should notify the Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Cases are investigated by the agency's Investigator, with the investigative reports being reviewed by the appropriate Board Member for possible disciplinary action.



Investigators for the Board are state commissioned peace officers and have statewide jurisdiction.  Investigators have the authority to investigate criminal activity as well as enforce state narcotics and dangerous drug laws and regulations. Investigators are trained in all aspects of law enforcement and often assist or conduct investigations in cooperation with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.


Other Issues

Unless there is clear and convincing evidence of fraud, Board regulation does not extend to disputes over professional fees. Fee complaints may be made to the Oklahoma Division of Consumer Affairs, professional associations, and the local Better Business Bureaus.


Filing a Complaint

The Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners must receive a written and signed complaint form ( Complaint Form PDF format) in order to consider opening an official investigation against a licensed veterinarian in the state of Oklahoma. In order to assist you in providing all the necessary information an official complaint form is available for your completion. 



Related Forms to Download
Complaint Form
















Citizen Involvement

Citizen participation is an integral part of professional veterinary regulation in Oklahoma. Public attendance is encouraged at all hearings, in addition to participation at Board meetings conducted on veterinary laws and regulations, with comments on the regulatory process being welcomed at all times.


Know Your Pet's Caregiver

People commonly make background checks and ask for references before hiring a repairman, a baby-sitter or a house painter. But they are frequently less cautious in seeking the services of a physician, dentist, veterinarian or other health professional to whom they will be entrusting their own or pet's physical or emotional well-being. Information about a health professional's license can be obtained by calling or writing the Board. You can also verify their license with our new "License Search" located on the left side of this screen under For The Pet Owner.


Check Out the Letter and Video from FDA - Buying Pet Drugs Online

click on the links: https://www.zoetisus.com/diversion/img/diversion-policy-letter.pdf

